Whale Festival 2022 – Enjoy it, and be safe

Whale Festival 2022 – Enjoy it, and be safe

September marks an important date on the annual Hermanus calendar. Our gorgeous town will host the 31st annual Hermanus Whale Festival, starting at the end of the month.

“There is a general sense of excitement and optimism in the province and everyone is clearly happy about being able to travel again and explore our beautiful province this Heritage and Tourism Month. The City of Cape Town commented about the large number of arrivals at the airport, and I hope many of these visitors will be flocking to our town,” says Marius Boshoff, Fidelity ADT branch manager in Hermanus.

The Festival offers visitors and holidaymakers a long list of exciting entertainment options and organisers have updated the festival website at https://hermanuswhalefestival.co.za/

In its 31st year, the annual Hermanus Whale Festival is a celebration of the return of the southern right whales to the coastal waters of Southern Africa. It is a tribute to the legacy left to the town by Wendy the Whale whose story is about man’s ability to live in harmony with nature as well as people’s ability to come together as communities valuing the environment.

All events and activities during the Whale Festival are focused to create awareness on how to protect the whales and all our marine wildlife who share our coastal waters.  The Festival takes place at the end of September which is the peak of whale activity in the region.

Boshoff says his team of armed response officers are ready to do their part to help make this a safe and enjoyable experience for anyone that attends the Festival.

“We want everyone to leave with a fond and positive memory of the event. Hopefully these practical safety tips will help prevent any instances of petty or opportunistic crime.” He recommends:

  • Leave the valuables at home. There is no reason to carry your most expensive jewelry or electronic equipment when you are out and about. Leave it in safety at the guest house, behind lock and key.
  • Remember the lock and key. Don’t neglect the kind of personal safety habits that you would follow while you are at home. This includes locking doors properly when you leave, never leaving windows stand open where passing pedestrians have easy access and locking your car securely when you park at any of the viewing sites.
  • Be alert. If you see anyone or anything that appears suspicious or out of place, ask for help. Trust your instinct.
  • Safety in numbers. Please take someone with you when you go for a walk anywhere in the area, and make sure that someone knows where you are and what time to expect your return.
  • Know who to call. If you are new to town, make sure you get all the correct emergency numbers to save on your phone. There are many organisations and roleplayers ready to assist – such as the local Fidelity ADT Hermanus Monitoring Centre (028 313 0801), Hermanus Public Protection (087 550 5295), Onrus/Vermont SRA (079 469 8606) and Hermanus SAPS (028 313 5300). Most suburbs in town have very active neighbourhood watch teams.

“We wish everyone a wonderful and enjoyable Whale Festival,” says Boshoff.

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