How security conscious are you really?

How security conscious are you really?

There are many unforeseen dangers that can occur at any given moment during the day, even at home where you should be in a safe space.

Being security conscious lessens the risk of falling victim to crime. But, what does being security conscious actually entail and are you alert enough when it comes to personal and home security?

Charnel Hattingh, Head of Marketing and Communications at Fidelity ADT, says the police and security companies have a vital role to play but personal safety can ultimately only be guaranteed by the individual.

“The best way to prevent being caught in a dangerous situation is to be security conscious. There are a few simple habits that can really help reduce the risk of falling victim to criminals.

“These habits should become second nature so that you are automatically vigilant and aware of what is going on around you at all times,” she says.

Take a look at the below and be critical and honest with yourself about whether your safety radar is up to scratch:

  1. I’m informed about crime trends. This should reach beyond your immediate neighbourhood. Know what is going on nationally too, but closer to home is most important. Has there been an increase in hijackings or home invasions? Community Whatsapp groups, regular alerts from your security company and your local newspaper and social media sites are good sources of up-to-date information. By staying informed, you are aware of the potential risks.
  2. I’m alert at all times. You put the knowledge you have about crime in your area to good use by staying alert. Anyone can train themselves to be more vigilant and observant if you practise this every day. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity or people and remember to trust your gut when you feel something is not right.
  3. I don’t give access to strangers. Restricting entry to your property is one of the best ways to stay safe. Criminals often pose as service providers, delivery services or council workers to gain access. Ensure everyone working or living on the property knows the rules about opening the gate for strangers.
  4. I have an emergency plan. Formulate a plan with the family so that everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency – whether a fire, medical situation or a home invasion. Planning will not only save time but can also help you keep a clear head in a traumatic situation.
  5. I don’t put my valuables on display. Avoid attracting attention by wearing expensive jewellery in public. Even taking out your cellphone or working on your laptop or tablet in a restaurant can put you at risk of being followed and robbed.
  6. I use my security systems at home properly. Set your alarm every time you leave home, test your alarm and panic buttons regularly and activate outdoor systems, like beams and electric fencing when you are home. Perimeter security is your first line of defence, so ensure your gate is secure and that no foliage or other nuisances interfere with the proper functioning of your security systems. Have the right protocols in place with your security company in the event of an emergency, like access to your property and updated information about dogs on the property, etc.

How did you fare? Are you top of the class when it comes to safety and security or is there room for improvement?

Hattingh says security is a creature of habit and performs best when we keep doing the same things as part of our daily routine.

“These are simple habits that can keep you and your family safe. If you fall short on some of the tips provided, make an urgent point of being more security conscious and get the whole family on board too. Security is everyone’s problem.”

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