Easter Holidays: Making sure your car and your occupants can travel in safety.

Easter Holidays: Making sure your car and your occupants can travel in safety.

The month of March will see thousands of families hit the road, to enjoy the chance to relax and recharge over the Easter Holidays and the many long weekends. There are basic safety steps that drivers should remember to ensure they and their passengers reach their destinations safely.

“You can make a massive difference by buckling up, by driving at safe speeds, and by never operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Too many lives are lost on South African roads every month due to reckless driving or excessive speeding. Being aware of safe driving habits can bring down the country’s accident and fatality rate,” says Wahl Bartmann, Group CEO of the Fidelity Services Group.

The number of Easter road fatalities increased by 37% from 184 in 2022 to 252 in 2023. North-West and Western Cape were the only provinces that recorded a decrease in fatalities at 50% and 34% respectively during Easter 2023. The highest increase was Kwa-Zulu Natal at 132% followed by Free State at 122%.

“We recommend you avoid any kind of distraction that takes your eyes and concentration away from the road. Never use your cell phone e.g., send text messages, while driving.”

It is also important to test the vehicle’s roadworthiness before you set off on any longer journey. Many accidents are caused by bursting tyres or other aspects that could have been picked up by you or a mechanic. Badly worn tyres pose a definite safety risk, especially when driving on wet or slippery roads.

Bartmann says any driver operating a vehicle on South African roads will have to give thought to the installation of a vehicle tracking system.

“It is a sad reality that many vehicles get hijacked every day. The Q3 crime stats released by the SAPS recently showed that around 66 cars are hijacked daily – an increase of 6.5% on the same period in 2022. The provinces of Gauteng, the Western Cape, and the North West saw noticeable increases in hijackings,” says Bartmann.

Vehicle telematics systems and car trackers (such as Fidelity SecureDrive, one of the products offered by the Fidelity Services Group) offer real-time tracking of a vehicle’s movements.

“If anyone has gained unauthorised access to your vehicle, it is a valuable resource that can help locating the car once it has been stolen or hijacked. It could also help parents monitor the driving habits of their children to ensure good driving behaviour.

“The added benefit is that your family members who stay behind at home could also track your movement to give them the ease of knowing where you are and whether you reached your destination.”

“Safe driving starts with awareness and preparedness. As a driver, you have the responsibility for the safety of those who share the road with you,” says Bartmann.



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