ARO - Clinton Maarman

Accurate description leads to arrest of Hout Bay trespassing suspect

Armed response officers in Hout Bay were able to use an accurate description of an alleged suspect, to make sure the man could not escape the law.

“The suspect had reportedly trespassed at an address on Edward Road when the owner raised the alarm,” says Mr Jade Hanning, Western Cape General Manager at Fidelity ADT.

“One of our armed response officers heard a radio report asking for assistance, and he immediately joined a colleague from another security company in the search.”

The owner of the property was able to give a detailed description of the clothing worn by the alleged trespasser, and officers used this to soon track down and apprehend him where he was hiding.

“The suspect was positively identified by the complainant, and he was then handed over into police custody.

“When raising the alarm about any incident, please try to be as detailed as you can when describing any suspects. Look for any distinguishing features or mannerisms. Suspects often wear multiple layers of clothing to easily get rid of shirts or jackets that could be used to identify them later, so we recommend also looking at their shoes when you try to describe them,” says Hanning.

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