Be your Family’s Hero in Times of Trouble
It’s as easy as SMSing your name and “Fidelity Cares” to 45238.
Or you can speak to your HR manager.

The Fidelity Cares programme has come to the assistance of many of our staff and their families during tough times. From hardship and injury on duty assistance to hospital care bags and out of pocket medical expenses, it can be a real help in times of need.
What is
Fidelity Cares
The Fidelity Cares programme was established to provide assistance to Fidelity Services Group employees and their families where the employee is injured or killed while on duty, or when suffering hardship. This includes hardship and injury on duty assistance, hospital care bags, and out of pocket medical expenses not covered by the employee’s medical aid or hospital plan.
Other emergency incidents of severe hardship may be considered based on the discretion of the Group CEO as guided by the Fidelity Cares NPC Board.

How does
it work?
How does
How does

We are all in this together, so we’ve made joining really simple. If you choose to sign up, R10.00 will be automatically deducted from your salary each month. You will then be eligible to receive the benefits of being a Fidelity Cares programme member.
We are all in this together, so we’ve made joining really simple. If you choose to sign up, R10.00 will be automatically deducted from your salary each month. You will then be eligible to receive the benefits of being a Fidelity Cares programme member.

Who can
benefit from
The Fidelity

All current and past Fidelity Services Group employees, their siblings and extended families can benefit, though each case will be considered on an individual basis.
All current and past FSG employees, their siblings and extended families can benefit, siblings and extended families can benefit,

How can
you become
a member?
How can

It’s as easy as SMSing your name and “Fidelity Cares” to 45238. Or you can speak to your HR manager.
All current and past FSG employees, their siblings and extended families can benefit, siblings and extended families can benefit,